Fernando Avila
He was born in Mexico City on March 12, 1989 within a family dedicated to the trade of dried chilies. His grandfather Cecilio Dávila was the founder of La Flor de Jamaica, a company dedicated to the sale of dried chilies which is located just outside the Jamaican market. He is an engineer from Tec de Monterrey and has dedicated his professional life to the organization and execution of massive musical and sports events. During his youth he learned from the hand of his father and grandfather the foundations of the family business, being always involved in dealing with customers and suppliers. In this way he was able to know the operation of the distribution chain of Chili in Mexico.
Within his daily work in the business he realized that the majority of customers could not distinguish the kinds of chilies for sale, which made him realize the lack of knowledge on the part of Mexicans in relation to Chile, a fundamental ingredient in gastronomy. national. Thus in 2015 he created the Gastronomic Workshop of Mexican Chili, a tasting that focuses on raising awareness and awareness about the importance of Chile in social, cultural and gastronomic life in Mexico over time. The objective is to generate conscious and responsible consumption in order to preserve the richness and variety of Mexican chiles.