Parneet Pal
Language English
Topics Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, Compassionate Leadership, Stress
Gender Female

Parneet Pal

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Parneet Pal, MBBS, MS, is a Harvard- and Columbia-trained physician-educator who teaches skills and communicates ideas that advance personal, workplace and planetary health. She is pioneering the idea that health and sustainability are inseparable.

A systems thinker, she translates complex science into easily understood and actionable insights for long-lasting behavior change. Her goal is to make you fall in love with your biology, so that it works for you, your work and the planet.

She works with business teams and global organizations to address workplace stress, burnout, loneliness and sustainability using evidence-based strategies from lifestyle medicine, neuroscience, behavioral science and psychology.

Previously, she designed preventive wellbeing programs for Executive Health (including at the University of California, San Francisco), and led faculty, curriculum and content development as the Chief Science Officer of a health start-up scaling corporate mental wellbeing.

Parneet speaks about the connections between Health, Leadership and Sustainability at global conferences and guest lectures at several universities.

She has been a TEDMED scholar, Harvard Business Review contributor and has been featured on the cover of Mindful Magazine.

In addition to her medical training, she holds a Masters in Exercise and Movement Science from the University of Oregon.