Raymond McCauley
Language English
Topics Genetics, Biotechnology, Food, Innovation, Future, Health, Technology, Longevity
Gender Male

Raymond McCauley

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Raymond McCauley is a scientist, engineer, and entrepreneur working at the forefront of biotechnology. Raymond explores how applying technology to life ‘ biology, genetics, medicine, agriculture’ is affecting every one of us. He is known for using storytelling and down-to-earth examples to show how quickly these changes are happening, right now.

Raymond is the Chair of the Biotechnology at Singularity University, a Silicon Valley think tank devoted to training leaders about exponential technologies. Co-founder and Chief Architect for BioCurious ( http://biocurious.org /), the hackerspace for biotech, a not-for-profit where professional scientists, DIYbio hobbyists and entrepreneurs come together to design the next big thing to come out of a Silicon Valley garage. Part of the team that developed next generation DNA sequencing at Illumina, where he worked in bioinformatics, cancer sequencing, and personal genomics. His work and story have been featured in Wired, Forbes, Time, and Nature. 

Raymond’s postgraduate work includes studies at Texas A&M University, Stanford and UC Berkeley in electrical engineering, computer science, biophysics, biochemistry, bioinformatics, and nanotechnology. Past employers are Genomera, Illumina, Ingenuity Systems, TANSTAAFL Media, QIAGEN, Viatel, NASA, and the other federal agencies. Raymond develops and advises a variety of companies and organizations, including Genomera (crowd-sourced clinical trials), Vecoy Nanomedicines (synthetic biology anti-virus platform), Androcyte (longevity research), and Nanokit (DNA origami).

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