Roberto Saint Martin
CEO & Co-founder of RobotiX, a pioneer organization that teaches STEM and robotics in Mexico since 2006. RobotiX has impacted beyond 1,100 learning centers and more than 160,000 children nationwide; equivalent to 1% of the population in the Basic School system. Today, 95% of these students come from public schools and vulnerable communities and have reached 48% participation of girls, also integrating students fighting with different disabilities.
Roberto has been part of TEDxMexico City, he has represented Mexico in the Global Solutions Program from Singularity University at NASA Ames research park in Silicon Valley & he has been a national image motivating a new national identity focusing on passion, responsibility, and entrepreneurship.
RobotiX organizes different events for Mexico: the RobotiX Faire that is the largest national robotics competition for children in Latin America; the entrepreneurship competition "Ideas Hechas en México"; the sciences fair "Impacta tu Mundo"; and the organization of the FIRST LEGO League programs in the country.