Ronith Aron
Ronith Aron is a passionate linguist, feminist, champion of children’s rights and engaged with personal growth from constant learning. She seeks balance in her life from a holistic place as a woman, a partner, a mother and a professional.
Her life philosophy includes the following mottoes: “We are better individuals when we are in a community”, “If you know something and it is useful to someone, share it, but don’t believe it 100 percent”. And “Don’t seek to be right, seek peace”.
In the therapy arena, she has a bachelor’s degree in auditory and linguistic therapy at the Mexican Institute for Audition and Language (Instituto Mexicano de la Audición y el Lenguage, IMAL). Later, she did a master’s degree in Pedagogy with a specialty in Neuropsychology at the Universidad Anáhuac del Norte, graduating with academic and exam honors in both degrees. At the Universidad Anáhuac she taught the course of Communication Disorders within the Masters of Psichopedagogy Master’s program from 2007 to 2017 and, throughout different periods she tausht the diploma cours of Language Disorders in the Child, Teenager and Adult at the same University.
In 2019, she got a diploma certification on Narrative Psychotherapy at the Latinoamerican Family Studies Institute (Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios de la Familia, ILEF).
She also has several certifications on Mindfulness, Mindful Eating and Eating Behavioral Disorders and is in actuality taking a diploma course on Violence and its Manifestations at the Menorah Society (Jewish Community Society for the Prevention and Attention of Violence).
From the mentioned specialties she managed to collate and combine, both at a therapeutic and community motivation level, the different tools based on her work and academic experience.
At present, she works at her clinic with teenagers and adults, designing an individual therapeutic program for personal growth based on psychotherapeutic and coaching tools. She gives individual sessions on parenting and has given different workshops on which she seeks to promote a healthy relationship between mind-person-body, as well as advising and counseling parents and schools.